About Us

Quantum Rhythm Sdn Bhd(201001007798),one of the subsidiaries of Ornapaper Berhad which is principally involving in manufacturing of comprehensive range of paper-based stationery products. Our main products are education goodies such as hardcover books, school exercise books, wire-o note books, spiral note book, filler papers, examination pads, drawing blocks, sketch books,etc. We also produce computer forms, thermal paper receipt rolls, cash register paper rolls, adding machine thermal rolls. Quantum Rhythm’s proprietary product are sold under brand names of “ FAMOSA ”, “ KOI ” and “ MASTER ”.

Our extensive retail network across Malaysia allows end users to conveniently purchase our branded products at Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Wholesalers, Retailers and Bookshops.
Quantum Rhythm has been on a positive growth in business development. Besides strong presence in Malaysia, we have also exported our products to many countries.
We strive to deliver our products with stringent quality at competitive process and timely delivery to meets customer's satisfaction.
Quantum Rhythm has been on a positive growth in business development. Besides strong presence in Malaysia, we have also exported our products to many countries.
We strive to deliver our products with stringent quality at competitive process and timely delivery to meets customer's satisfaction.

Our objectives:
High quality products
Competitive prices
On-time delivery
Customized design services
The Company is committed to implement and maintain the chain of custody requirements of the FSC Chain of Custody standards. We are committed to ensure that all our relevant Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors who manufacture products which have been certified on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) have been produced in accordance with recognized sustainable forestry practices. Company will only add and support members who intend share in our commitment into this initiative.
It is the principle of Company to monitor diligently that its Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors to avoid procuring timber and non-timber forest products accordance with recognized sustainable forestry practices and it is our policy to not be directly or indirectly involved in the following activities:
It is the principle of Company to monitor diligently that its Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors to avoid procuring timber and non-timber forest products accordance with recognized sustainable forestry practices and it is our policy to not be directly or indirectly involved in the following activities:
- Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products;
- Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations;
- Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;
- Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use;
- Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations;
- Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, this shall be further elaborated as below:
- Under no circumstances forced labour is used, whether in the form of compulsory or trafficked labour, indentured labour, bonded labour, or other forms;
- Mental and physical coercion, slavery and human trafficking are prohibited;
- Workers are not required to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by law and all overtime work by workers is on a voluntary basis;
- Do not employ individuals under the age of 15 (all workers shall be above 18 years old only), or under the local legal minimum age for work or mandatory schooling, whichever is higher;
- When an internship worker is employed, they do not perform work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous, or that interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school;
- The rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining are recognized and respected and workers are not intimidated or harassed in the exercise of their right to join or refrain from joining any organization;
- Workers or worker representatives (e.g., Occupational Safety Health [OSH] Committee) are involved in identifying safety and security risks and setting priorities for action.
- Workers are not subject to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment, abuse, or other form of intimidation;
- All workers, both permanent and casual, are provided with employment documents that are freely agreed and which respect their legal rights;
- Shall not engage in, support or tolerate discrimination in employment including recruitment, hiring, training, working conditions, job assignments, pay, benefits, promotions, discipline, termination or retirement on the basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, caste, social background, diseases, disability, pregnancy, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in worker organizations including unions, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics.
E) HEALTH AND SAFETY IN PLACE (wherever is applicable)
- Old workers (above 50 years old), pregnant and nursing mothers NEVER handle or apply hazardous chemicals as part of their job;
- Old workers (above 50 years old), pregnant and nursing mothers are NEVER exposed to hazardous chemically contaminated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
- All operators are provided with appropriate PPE, free of charge;
- Procedures are in place to minimize the likelihood of spillage of chemicals;
- Procedures are in place to confine spills and contaminated wash-water to areas where they will be confined or dispersed safely;
- Procedures are in place to clean up spills if they occur;
- All hazardous materials are stored safely;
- All hazardous materials are handled safely;
- All hazardous materials are disposed of safely;
- Systems are in place to minimize the risk of workers sustaining injuries from machinery;
- Systems are in place to minimize the risk of workers sustaining injuries from animals, or being infected by zoonoses;
- Risks of shocks and fire, caused by poor electrical installations, are minimized;
- Smoking, welding, grinding or use of open flames never takes place in poorly ventilated areas or confined spaces;
- Workers are provided with (and use) free PPE when necessary for reducing risks to an acceptable level.
- All workers are provided with a total compensation package that includes wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave, which meets or exceeds the legal minimum standards or appropriate prevailing industry standards, whichever is higher;
- Compensation terms are established by legally binding collective bargaining agreements implemented and adhered to;
- Employees have a channel through which they can raise concerns regarding business integrity (e.g., dishonest, or unfair business dealings) without fear of retaliation;
- Regular meetings (before start of work) for workers to promote more socially sustainable practices and understand how any problems the workers are facing might be overcome;
- All workers have access to First Aid and medical services during working hours sufficient to respond to emergencies;
- Workers who do hazardous work (e.g., handling pesticides, handling animals, driving) or perform strenuous physical activity (such as regularly carrying heavy loads) are offered risk-based health checks;
- Workers are granted time off work, for medical appointments and counselling for themselves and their dependents;
- All workers are provided with transparent, fair and confidential procedures that result in swift, unbiased and fair resolution of difficulties, which may arise as part of their working relationship (e.g., unfair treatment of workers);
- All workers have free access to potable water;
- All workers have free access to hand-washing facilities;
- All workers have free access to shelter for breaks and mealtimes;
- Equipment is kept in a secure location separated from living quarters, food, or feed;
- Buildings (workshops, worker accommodation, stores, and other buildings) and structures are structurally sound, reasonably ventilated and fit for the purpose are NOW being used for;
- All provisions of services and facilities for workers and their dependents are at, or above, the legally required minimum standard (if applicable);
- All provisions of services and facilities for workers and their dependents meet the basic needs of workers and their families (if appliable);
- Help both employees and managers understand the philosophy and overall approach taken by the organization to its investment in the workforce;
- Recognize that a balance must be struck between organizational/business needs and helping employees to develop their full potential;
- Demonstrate to employees and managers how decisions on who receives training and development and the reasons for this allocation are made;
- Emphasize that training and development opportunities are open equally to all employees, including both part-time and fixed-term employees.
The Company requires its Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors to make every effort to determine sources of wood used in all FSC Certified labeled products. If a Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors ever determines that it has procured lumber that originated from one of these sources for its FSC products, the Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors is required to immediately stop procuring lumber/timber from these sources and replace with material procured from acceptable sources.
When origin of harvest cannot be determined the lumber from these sources the Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors is required to not use the lumber in its production of FSC products. All sources are required to be verified and monitored. The Company has developed a complaints mechanism to deal with complaints supported by evidence relative to supplies of its products outputs.
It also the commitment and policy of the Company that all of its Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors comply with all the applicable national and international laws and regulation that includes social laws, such as those covering civil rights, equal employment opportunities, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment, measures, worker’s compensation, indigenous peoples’ rights, and worker’ and communities’ right to know, prevailing wages, and workers’ right to organize.
When origin of harvest cannot be determined the lumber from these sources the Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors is required to not use the lumber in its production of FSC products. All sources are required to be verified and monitored. The Company has developed a complaints mechanism to deal with complaints supported by evidence relative to supplies of its products outputs.
It also the commitment and policy of the Company that all of its Supplier and/or Outsourcing Contractors comply with all the applicable national and international laws and regulation that includes social laws, such as those covering civil rights, equal employment opportunities, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment, measures, worker’s compensation, indigenous peoples’ rights, and worker’ and communities’ right to know, prevailing wages, and workers’ right to organize.